New Plan for the Keating Property


New Southeast Side Development Plan

The 343-acre Keating property southeast of DeKalb–encompassed by Route 23, Gurler Road and Crego Road–was sold months ago to developer Jerry Krusinski. This week, Mr. Krusinski unveiled his plans for the land at the Plan Commission meeting.

He gets it. Thank goodness. He gets that the area should be mixed-use, place office and retail buildings closer to the residential area and industrial closer to Route 88 access. He gets it that the development should have an internal road system and a bit of greenery in the scenery.

The one part that I don’t get is that he includes warehousing in this plan when he apparently has yet to sell the big empty white building in Park 88 that he built on spec. He must be something of a gambler.

At any rate this plan is a far cry from 6,000,000 square feet of warehouses designed to cash in on an unsustainable boom. If we’ve got to eat some farmland, this is a much more digestible recipe.

[Credit Northern Star Online for the photo.]