Fourth Warders on/near South Seventh Street: Cell phone tower application is back

In case this is new to you, we’ll start with a recap. From a post published April 2015: [DeKalb Planning & Zoning Commission] has discussed a request made by Central States Tower (CST) for a permit to place a Verizon cell tower/antenna at 1300 South 7th Street even though CST did not follow procedures required…

Video of today’s meeting for 4th and 6th wards

The council members held it at the DeKalb Township building, and about 20 people from the 4th, 5th, and 6th wards attended. The last time I can remember going to a meeting in my ward was 2005, so this was a pretty big deal to me. They didn’t disappoint. I’ve posted it at the City…

Citizen Action & a Cell Tower Project in the 4th Ward

***DeKalb city council will consider the special use permit during its regular meeting Monday, April 27.*** While the University Village Planned Development proposal seems to have grabbed the headlines today, last night’s Planning & Zoning Commission meeting was also notable for neighborhood pushback against approval of a special use permit for a new 140-foot cell…

South 4th Water Main Project Got Weird before It Died

This is an item from the May 27 council meeting agenda that I’ve been meaning to address. It’s about a water main project on South 4th Street. This project would have abandoned a 6” water main on the west side of Route 23 (South Fourth Street) from Lacas Street south to approximately 110 feet south…

Zombie TIF and Other Notes from Last Night

DeKalb’s city council met again with DeKalb’s financial consultants, EPI/Crowe, to consider the latter’s latest report and recommendations. The most important information to pass on to you is that the consultants told the council, at least twice AND in so many words, that the city will enter another financial crisis within five years if it…

Extended Comment on the Advisability of a South 4th Street TIF

I left a comment at DeKalb County Online in response to 5th Ward candidate Rob Fischer’s possible support for a new TIF. Says Mr. Fischer: TIF’s are one of the most powerful tools municipalities have at their disposal to renovate neighborhoods. My wife and I were just talking the other day about how the city…