Wogen, Neighbors & the Women’s Center


This is to update the post of October 29 concerning Victor Wogen, the Neighbors Helping Neighbors group (NHN) and the DeKalb Area Women’s Center (DAWC).

Victor Wogen did indeed obtain use of a lift for the DAWC paint job after all. (We had a chuckle over the lift belonging to Irving Construction. Made us wonder about somebody’s golf pass too. But I digress.) Volunteers associated with NHN and others who had heard about the project showed up. Most of the day was spent on the north side of the building replacing siding, priming and painting. Since only two people could use the lift at one time, others worked at raking and pulling weeds from the garden.

I do not know the particulars on any work after Saturday, but did want to help get the word out about ongoing plans:

  • NHN has decided not to confine its membership or its neighborliness necessarily to the 3rd Ward;
  • they will work on indoor projects at DAWC one Saturday per month during the winter; and
  • the group currently is organizing help for a family beset with catastrophic medical bills to provide a Christmas for their young children.
  • As always, click on the NHN link on the right to vist the group and to make further inquiries.

    We send our best wishes for tomorrow’s Finnish Culture Day concert at DAWC.