The following are selected year-over-year figures from asset statements found in DeKalb’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs).
[table id=24 /]
–The liabilities reported here come from governmental and proprietary activities. They do not include pension liabilities.
–“Other” liabilities include both payables and unearned tax revenues. Both accounts payable and unearned property taxes roughly doubled during the time period, the latter holding steady at about 60% of the total. [Added about 11:30 a.m.]
–DeKalb’s net assets also grew during this time period, from $104,778,443 to $159,611,331. Assets include land and revenues but by far most of the value of assets is in infrastructure. During the early to mid 2000s there were miles of roads and water mains built. Gains in net assets have slowed greatly since 2007 and actually fell a little in FY2010.
–Figures before FY2009 will not add up to the totals shown, due to my not including unamortized premiums (ranging from less than $100,000 up to about $350,000) listed as long-term liabilities in the years prior to ’09.