County board votes to list DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center for sale — but that’s not all


DeKalb County Board voted last night to authorize the marketing of DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center (DCRNC) for sale. Here’s the original resolution.

Resolution R2022-40: A Resolution Authorizing the Sale, Transfer, or
other Disposition of the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center in Accordance with 55 ILCS 5-21001 of the Illinois Counties Code. The DeKalb County Board hereby authorizes the sale, transfer, or other disposition of the DeKalb County Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. The County Board further authorizes the County Administrator to prepare and issue any documents necessary for the sale, transfer, or other disposition of the DeKalb County Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. Per the previously approved agreement with Marcus & Millichap (Resolution R2022-04), upon approval of this Resolution the company will begin brokerage services consistent with the terms of that agreement.

DeKalb County Board Meeting Agenda, April 20, 2022

The board will approve separately any offer to buy DCRNC.

Meanwhile, board member Scott Campbell, Seventh District, proposed that members explore a downsizing/right-sizing option for DCRNC in the same depth that it has examined the sale option. There’s no downside to doing this work; a workable recovery plan yields operational and financial benefits whether we keep or sell the facility.

The board embraced Mr. Campbell’s proposal and amended the sales resolution. The marketing of DCRNC begins now, but the county board will not consider offers for the next 60 days, during which period the finance committee will work on the right-sizing project.

Below is Mr. Campbell’s comment, about 4-1/2 minutes long.

I didn’t include subsequent discussion to work out the amendment language, deadline, etc., but did find the process interesting and encourage a further listen.

Full video is here. DCNRC discussion begins at 1:01 and includes a Power Point presentation. Mr. Campbell’s comment begins at 2:21.

Many thanks to DeKalbILLINOIS Channel for technical help with the recording.