Friday balm for weary goo-goos (emphasis added):
The city watchdog agency charged with rooting out City Hall corruption sued Mayor Richard Daley’s administration on Wednesday, accusing it of thwarting an investigation into possible wrongdoing by current and former employees.
The inspector general’s office wants Daley’s top lawyer, Mara Georges, to hand over documents relating to a 2006 no-bid contract awarded to a former city worker.
The suit states that the investigation “to date suggests that the city’s process for awarding the contract under investigation was manipulated by city employees.”
Ah, blessed relief to know this sort of activity is still generally regarded as corruption. We seriously have to stop thinking we are better than Chicago. We clearly are not.
A businessman offered a $100,000 bribe to an alderman he thought could help him open seven restaurants in Chicago’s two airports, according to federal charges unsealed Thursday.
But the businessman did not know that the powerful alderman, Isaac “Ike” Carothers, had been cooperating for months in an undercover FBI sting, a source familiar with the investigation said.
Maybe the Feds will want a change of scenery after this one, who knows?
Update: Whoops, missed one: Big ethics initiative in Florida.
H/T B.F., K.S.