Value Engineering

Here’s a quickie overview from Wiki on Value Engineering, a recommendation we hope soon will be discussed by our school district’s Facilities Planning Committee as regards upcoming school construction. Also called value analysis, VE is a structured process of gathering and evaluating information about goods and services in terms of function and cost with an…

FPC Bombshell

The Facilities Planning Committee began planning “Phase II” of the school construction plan last night, but I could not concentrate. Part of it was brain-deadness because these meetings run too darn long, part of it was shock. Here’s why: No matter what we do to cut construction costs, we will still not come under the…

The Absurdity of the Airport, & Other Budget Tales

Tonight at the budget workshop I remarked that it was kind of nonsensical and backwards (exact words) to continue to carry this albatross of an airport (paraphrase) when the police department does not have adequate facilities. Later in the evening, I was rebutted with a pretty picture presented by Public Works Director Rick Monas of…

District 428 & the Grassroots: Yeah, Right: Part 1

So last month I e-mailed the members of the District 428 school board a link to the great precast discussion (vs. bricks-and-mortar construction on the new high school and Cortland elementary school) we were having here at CityBarbs, in view of the debate we were so sure would occur soon at a Facilities Planning Committee…

More Water, Please

Goodness, now here’s an interesting comment on the proposed water rate hike and infrastructure. boomer44 wrote on Apr 27, 2008 9:06 AM: ” This is BS! Sure rates should go up sometime but the fact that they are saying that they need to build additional infrastructure is crazy. Our community is currently at 41,000 in…

The Fatal Flaw in Home Rule Law

[This is the 2nd part of a series examining home rule in Illinois. The first one is here.] Municipal home rule powers are granted by the Illinois Constitution. Except as limited by this Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs including, but not…