Change Your Address, Change Your Registration


Dear NIU students:

As an election judge on campus, one of the most common problems I see are students who have moved once or twice since the last time they voted and who got booted out of the system as a result. Make sure your voter’s registration card matches your current address, and go here for contact information if it doesn’t or if you are not sure. Also, keep in mind that if you insist on using your hometown address instead of your school address on your registration, you will have to go back to your home precinct to vote.

Right now there are several voter registration drives going on. Most are legit but some may not be. Keep your receipt and give the County Clerk’s office a call if your card does not arrive within a couple weeks of signup.

If all else fails, your state legislators have made it easier than ever for you to exercise your rights. Stop by the Holmes Student Center during the day from October 18-21 for grace period registration and to vote early.

Warmest regards,