Here’s the difference in agenda rules between regular and special public meetings

During a recent Annie Glidden North task force subcommittee meeting, I alleged Open Meetings Act (OMA) violations. I want to explain why. What I objected to was the subcommittee’s addition of discussion items to the agenda of a special meeting. During regular meetings, a public body can talk about anything it wants, but that same…

Candidates’ Night Thursday to be Televised

DeKalb City Council Chambers will serve as the setting for a candidates’ night on Thursday evening involving some of the candidates City of DeKalb residents will vote on, and will include a telecast on Channel 14, the city’s public access channel. The newly reconstituted League of Women Voters of DeKalb County (LWVDC) is hosting. Participating…

Hello DARA

The DeKalb Area Rental Association (DARA) formed last summer has recently launched its website, called It’s probably safe to say it’s not a coincidence in timing that DARA was conceived just a few months after the mayor first appointed his Safe/Quality Housing Task Force, and easy to see DARA’s formation at least partly as…

A Couple Meetings that May Interest You

Sustainability Plan Presentation: Tuesday, October 11, 7 p.m. in DeKalb City Council Chambers. Sponsored by DeKalb’s Citizens Environmental Commission, this presentation is designed to introduce the public to the nuts and bolts of creating a citywide sustainability plan. Featured presenter is Aaron Cosentino from the City of Elgin. Cosentino worked with over 100 volunteers to…

League of Women Voters Interest Meeting

Women and men interested in re-organizing a local League of Women Voters in DeKalb County are welcome to attend an interest meeting on Thursday, March 17, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be in the basement of the Kish Corner Family Restaurant, 2496 DeKalb Ave. in Sycamore. Come and enjoy some appetizers that will…