New High School Going Short on Custodians

So begins systemic neglect at the new high school — my interpretation of an article in the Daily Chronicle today: The all-day kindergarten would also be paid for by not filling four custodial staff positions at the new high school until the district has more revenue. In 2008, the Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) voted to…

Just the Facts: Obama’s Speech in District 428

I received two e-mails very early this morning that Dr. Evil Briscoe, Superintendent of Schools for District 428, has ordered all the school principals not to show President Obama’s speech to schoolchildren tomorrow morning. However, according to recorded school auto-calls placed to district families a bit after 10 a.m., the speech will be shown throughout…

School Transparency Legislation

SB2270 passed the Illinois Senate last month and is now being considered by the House. So far: Requires school districts to post on their Internet website an itemized salary compensation report for every employee in the district holding an administrative certificate and working in that capacity, including the district superintendent. Sets forth what the salary…